Category: GCAS

GCAS is a one-stop solution for all Government Universities, Higher Education Institutes, Government Colleges, Grant-In-Aid Colleges, and SFIs affiliated with Public Universities across the state of Gujarat. This comprehensive portal is strategically crafted to simplify the admission procedure, consolidating all requisite information and services to facilitate a seamless experience for the students of Gujarat.

  • Admission Process in PG Program GCAS Round 1

    The first round of admission through the GCAS portal involves several steps for students applying to Post-Graduate programs in affiliated and constituent colleges/Departments of specific universities in Gujarat. Here is a summary of the first round of admission process:

    1. Registration Process (Page 3):
      • Students can register on the GCAS portal by filling basic details such as program type, name, birth date, category, gender, email, and mobile number.
      • They need to fill academic details, choose colleges, upload required documents, and pay registration fees after receiving the results of the qualifying examination within the specified timeline.
    2. Provisional Admission Offer List (Page 4):
      • After the application deadline, provisional admission offer lists will be declared by respective universities/colleges as per the schedule.
      • Students can view the provisional admission offer list for all selected universities/colleges/programs on the GCAS portal after logging in.
    3. Grievance Resolution (Page 4):
      • If students have objections related to the provisional admission offer list, they can register their grievances with the respective university/college and follow the resolution process as per the schedule.
    4. Final Admission Offer List (Page 4):
      • After resolving any grievances, the final admission offer list of the respective colleges will be declared by the university/college.
      • Students can view the final admission offer list on the GCAS dashboard and confirm admission by reporting to the chosen college with the provided OTP.
    5. Reporting by Student through OTP (Page 5):
      • Students who are shortlisted for admission based on program intake can log in to the GCAS portal to view all offers from universities/colleges.
      • They can download the admission offer letter of their preferred college, confirm admission by reporting to the college, and provide the OTP sent to their registered mobile/email.

    By following these steps, students can navigate the first round of admission, check offers, resolve grievances, and confirm their admission to the desired college or university program.

    1. Step 1 (21-05-2024 to 03-06-2024):
      • Register on the GCAS portal.
      • Fill in your academic profile.
      • Choose your preferred colleges.
      • Pay the registration fees.
      • Submit your application on the portal.
    2. Step 2 (06-06-2024 to 19-06-2024):
      • Give preference to colleges on the university’s portal (if applicable).
      • Check for Entrance Test/Interview dates.
    3. Step 3 (20-06-2024 to 21-06-2024):
      • Check the Provisional Admission Offer on the GCAS portal.
      • File grievances to colleges/universities if needed.
    4. Step 4 (24-06-2024 to 25-06-2024):
      • Check the Final Admission Offer on the GCAS portal.
    5. Step 5 (26-06-2024 to 03-07-2024):
      • Obtain a print of the Offer Letter.
      • Report for admission to the respective University/Colleges with original documents.
      • Pay the fees to the University/College.
      • Confirm your admission through OTP.

    If admission is not confirmed in the first round, there is a provision for a second round of admission with similar steps. Students should carefully follow the timelines and instructions provided by the universities to ensure a smooth admission process.

  • UG Program Round 3 (if admission not confirmed in Round-1 & 2)

    The procedure of the third round of admission involves the following key steps:

    1. Eligibility: Only students who have registered and submitted an online application for admission to the GCAS portal and have not been admitted to any colleges in the first, second, and third rounds are considered eligible for this round.
    2. Choice Update: After the completion of the second round, non-admitted students can update their choice of university-college-program on the GCAS portal as per the schedule.
    3. Preference Filling: Students who have selected colleges affiliated with universities conducting centralized admission processes must give preferences to the colleges selected on the university’s portal.
    4. Updated Admission Offer List: The university/college will announce the updated admission offer list for vacant seats after the completion of the third round.
    5. Reporting through OTP: Students can view the final admission offer of colleges on the GCAS dashboard, download the admission offer letter of their choice, and confirm admission by reporting to the college with the OTP sent to their registered mobile number/email.

    By following these steps, students can participate in the third round of admission, update their choices, and confirm their admission to the desired college or university program.

    Date : 05-07-2024 to 07-07-2024

    Update choice of Program/College/University on GCAS Portal

    GCAS પોટટલ પર પ્રોગ્રામ / કોલેજ / યવુનવવસિટીની પસદાં ગી અપડેટ કરવી

    Date : 12-07-2024 to 14-07-2024

    Give Preference to Colleges on University’s Portal

    યવુનવવસિટીના પોટટલ પર કોલેજોનેઅગ્રતાક્રમ આપવ

    Date : 16-07-2024 to 19-07-2024

    Check New Admission Offer on GCAS Portal, Get print of Offer Letter, Report for
    admission to Respective Colleges with all original and One set of Self attested
    photocopy, pay fees to college and Confirm your admission

    GCAS પોટટલ પર નવી પ્રવેશ યાદી ચકાસવી, ઓફર લેટરની વપ્રન્ટ લેવી, પ્રવેશ માટેજે તેકોલેજ
    પર તમામ અસલ પ્રમાિપત્ર અનેસ્વપ્રમાણિત પ્રમાિપત્રોનો એક સેટ સાર્થેરીપોહટિંગ કરવ,ાંુ
    કોલેજ ખાતેફી ભરી પ્રવેશ કન્ફમટ કરવો.




  • UG Program Round 2 (if admission not confirmed in Round-1)

    The procedure of the second round of admission includes the following key steps:

    1. Eligibility: Only students who have registered and submitted an online application for admission to the GCAS portal and have not been admitted to any colleges in the first and second rounds are considered eligible for this round.
    2. Choice Update: After the completion of the second round, non-admitted students can update their choice of university-college-program on the GCAS portal as per the schedule.
    3. Preference Filling: Students who have selected colleges affiliated with universities conducting centralized admission processes must give preferences to the colleges selected on the university’s portal.
    4. Updated Admission Offer List: The university/college will announce the updated admission offer list for vacant seats after the completion of the second round.
    5. Reporting through OTP: Students can view the final admission offer of colleges on the GCAS dashboard, download the admission offer letter of their choice, and confirm admission by reporting to the college with the OTP sent to their registered mobile number/email.

    By following these steps, students can participate in the second round of admission, update their choices, and confirm their admission to the desired college or university program.


    Date 27-06-2024 to 29-06-2024

    Check New Admission Offer on GCAS Portal, Get print of Offer Letter, Report for
    admission to Respective Colleges with all original and One set of Self attested
    photocopy, pay fees to college and Confirm your admission.

    GCAS પોટટલ પર નવી પ્રવેશ યાદી ચકાસવી, ઓફર લેટરની વપ્રન્ટ લેવી, પ્રવેશ માટેજે તેકોલેજ
    પર તમામ અસલ પ્રમાિપત્ર અનેસ્વપ્રમાણિત પ્રમાિપત્રોનો એક સેટ સાર્થેરીપોહટિંગ કરવ,ાંુ
    કોલેજ ખાતેફી ભરી પ્રવેશ કન્ફમટ કરવો.

  • Students for Admission in UG Program Round 1

    The procedure of the first round of admission involves the following key steps:

    1. Eligibility: Only students who have registered and submitted an online application for admission to the GCAS portal and have not been admitted to any colleges in the first and second rounds are considered eligible for this round.
    2. Choice Update: After the completion of the second round, non-admitted students can update their choice of university-college-program on the GCAS portal as per the schedule.
    3. Preference Filling: Students who have selected colleges affiliated with universities conducting centralized admission processes must give preferences to the colleges selected on the university’s portal.
    4. Updated Admission Offer List: The university/college will announce the updated admission offer list for vacant seats after the completion of the first round.
    5. Reporting through OTP: Students can view the final admission offer of colleges on the GCAS dashboard, download the admission offer letter of their choice, and confirm admission by reporting to the college with the OTP sent to their registered mobile number/email.

    By following these steps, students can navigate the first round of admission, update their choices, and confirm their admission to the desired college or university program.


    Step 1

    Date – 15-05-2024 to 28-05-2024

    Perform Registration, Academic Profile Filling, Choice Filling, Registration fees
    Payment and Application submission on GCAS Portal

    રજીસ્રેશન કરવ,ાંુ શૈક્ષણિક માહિતી ભરવી, કોલેજોની પસદાં ગી, રજીસ્રેશન ફી ભરવી અનેGCAS
    પોટટલ પર અરજી સબવમટ કરવી

    Step 2

    Date – 02-06-2024 to 04-06-2024

    Give Preference to Colleges on University’s Portal (given date or as per declared by

    યવુનવવસિટીના પોટટલ પર કોલેજોનેઅગ્રતાક્રમ આપવો.


    Step 3

    Date – 07-06-2024 to 10-06-2024

    Check Provisional Admission Offer on GCAS Portal,
    File Grievance to Universities/ Colleges (if any)

    GCAS પોટટલ પર કામચલાઉ પ્રવેશ યાદી ચકાસવી
    જો કોઈ ગ્રીવન્સ િોય તો યવુનવવસિટી/કોલેજ ખાતેનોંધાવ

    Step 4

    Date – 13-06-2024 to 21-06-2024

    Check Final Admission Offer on GCAS Portal, Get print of Offer Letter, Report for
    admission to Respective Colleges with all original and One set of Self attested
    photocopy, Pay fees to college and Confirm your admission

    GCAS પોટટલ પર ફાઇનલ પ્રવેશ યાદી ચકાસવી, ઓફર લેટરની વપ્રન્ટ લેવી, પ્રવેશ માટે જે તે
    કોલેજ પર તમામ અસલ પ્રમાિપત્ર અનેસ્વપ્રમાણિત પ્રમાિપત્રોનો એક સેટ સાર્થેરીપોહટિંગ
    કરવ,ાંુ કોલેજ ખાતેફી ભરી પ્રવેશ કન્ફમટ કરવો.





  • Gujarat Common Admission Service (GCAS) Undergraduate Courses Admission

    Gujarat Common Admission Service (GCAS) Undergraduate Courses Admission

    Notification of tentative schedule of under graduate courses admission 2024-25 dated 16/03/2024
